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Personal Examples

It Really Works

Let me give you another example. For three months each year, I bring out my Master Tax Advisor hat and help people save as much of their income from tax liability as legally possible, especially small business people. Now, I've had people tell me that the best way to make money is move through as many returns a day as possible. I've been told I spend too much time on each client, with all the talking I do. I disagree. That approach may be fine when making widgets, but it doesn't work very well with people.

When each person sits at my desk, here are some of the steps I go through (not necessarily in this order): 

  • I put on my salesman hat and ask how their year went. This lets me know if there are any problems that I need to teach them how to address and what emotions I'm dealing with.
  • I ask what they are planning on changing in the next year. This lets me know what I need to teach them to bring me next year and how it will affect their tax liability.
  • At each step through the tax preparation process, I teach them what I am doing and why.
  • I create forms for them to take home, teach them how to use them and bring back to me next year, so that they keep better track of their deductions so I can do a better job for them.
  • I have to teach new business people what they did wrong setting up their company or bookkeeping system and how to fix it so that I can do the best job for them.

There are some tax preparers that believe that you are crazy to teach people how taxes work. They will just go off and do their own and you'll lose a client. Some do, but when they have a problem year, they always call and ask for help.

People feel comfortable referring friends to me, because they trust me. They know I will give them honest advice and I won't jump down their throat to buy anything extra or try to get access to the names and phone numbers of their entire family tree. I simply state I would be happy to help anyone they know that might need some advice also.

In fact, because I enjoy teaching my clients to help themselves, I have one of the highest retention rates in the company. I also have one of the highest referral rates in the company, as well auxiliary product sales. I may not be able to handle as many clients per day, but I end up with more clients per season than most. 

Once people have consumed your educational message and you've earned their trust, they will buy anything from you.