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How to Stop Website Spam Attacks

One of the biggest headaches that those of us who design and maintain websites have are spammers. Those nefarious people who try to invade your website and use your servers to send out their junk to the masses. Since I maintain my own virtual private server (VPS), one of the biggest problems was spending the time to go in and delete the bogus accounts that were created or checking the logs to see if someone had found a way to insert malicious code into the site.

I say 'was' because a couple of years ago I found a company called CleanTalk. After installing their service, my spam attacks dropped 99%. Seriously. The most I ever see anymore is a little comment spam or people trying to access a page that doesn't exist. I have been really amazed at how well their software works and how much time it has saved me.

So, bottom line is that if you maintain a website for your business, do yourself a favor and give CleanTalk a try. It will remove a big headache so you can concentrate of more important things.